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Typically when we’re adding to our We Heart list, it’s because we’re excited about a single company. This time it’s a little bit different.
This month we want to introduce you to a nonprofit that is made up of a group of companies that we’ve had the pleasure to join on our journey towards creating awareness and affecting socio-economic change in our global society.
The group is called the Tri and their whole goal is bringing people together who are dedicated to raising the vibration of global consciousness through responsible stewardship of our planet by supporting a community of companies that focus on intentional spending throughout the supply chain.
It’s beautiful, right? We align with them so much that we joined the tribe, along with brands that we respect like Dr. Bronner’s, Numi Tea, Thrive Market, and Sambazon Acai to create and deepen our community involvement.
The aptly named Tri (pronounced like tree) describes their role on our planet with the elements of a tree, with branches and roots, and we would like to share those with you.
Branches of the Tri
The Tri is focused on three aspects of our socio-economic world. The people, the planet, and our participation.
The People
We live in a world where we are closer than ever—we can instantly reach someone across the planet—but farther away from creating real connections than we have been before. Between social media, email, and to-do lists that never get shorter, we’re not spending a whole lot of time making eye contact or holding hands, are we?
The Tri is working to empower the people to be a part of creating awareness in ourselves and each other. With a focus on seeing and falling in love with the growing potential of every person while knowing that every person deserves the same inalienable rights, no one person deserves more than another, the Tri rests in the unity of all humankind.
The Planet
It’s not just humankind that matters to this incredible non profit though, it’s the environment. We’re shepherds—protectors—of this Earth. This is our home, our planet, our mother, and we’re rapidly approaching an era where the human-nature relationship is damaged beyond repair. The Tri is focused on the symbiosis of this relationship, focusing on sustainability and environmental safety while working to restore the harmony that is so vital for the health of our species.
The Participation
Okay, this is the key—we can be conscious. We can be aware. We can be educated. But if we’re not putting our money where our mouths are, we’re another hippie company with pipe dreams about healing the planet when we can.
The Tri is creating the framework for effecting real change in our society. They are creating a cascading web of connections throughout the environmental company community, holding accountable the sharing of education, sharing the ways that we can make it happen.
“You say you want a revolution? We all want to see the plan”—and the Tri has one. They’re working on banishing complacency and being warriors for the planet every single day. They remind us all that we can change the world we live in, and they help to hold us accountable for our part in the community.
The Tri is finding ways to be at events like the the Oregon Eclipse and Joshua Tree Music Festival, reaching out to like-minded people and companies. They’re offering educational talks and reminding us of tangible ways we can make a difference.
Roots of the Tri
Where did this stem from? Why was such an awesome company created? That’s simple. The founders wanted a place to share companies that are focused on making a difference, that people can trust.
They wanted to build a business structure on ethical principles that don’t just function as a way to live their own lives, but to commit to creating a sustainable world that benefits human, animal, and plant kinds alike so we can create a beautiful harmony together using these 11 principles:
1—Transparency. Demanding honesty and transparency from the organizations they work with and support.
2—Equality. Every person deserves equal benefits. Period. There’s no such thing as “better than.” We are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of our Mother Earth.
3—Diversity. The best part of humanity is how diverse we are, and the best part of our planet is the biodiversity we can learn from. Embrace it, our strengths lie in our differences.
4—Compassion. Relying on the interdependence of all living beings isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength to recognize that we are all part of one another, we are all connected, and we all impact each other.
5—Respect. We respect all living beings because they are part of creation, not because they are able. Mutual respect is how we create a sustainable path for humankind.
6—Pacifism. Violence begets violence. We promote what we love and protest what we condemn but we never resort to chaos or destruction. Violence defeats the purpose of harmonious creation.
7—Emotional Intelligence. We need to recognize, understand, and respect the emotions in ourselves and be empathetic of others to manage our behaviors and relationships.
8—Responsibility. We are defined by our responsibility to ourselves and other living beings. We are responsible for our own actions and have the understanding that our decisions and actions affect others.
9—Community. The sense of community is being lost amongst humankind. We strive to achieve community and connect to our tribe—we cannot solve all of our problems alone. We need to rely on one another.
10—Local Action. Global change can only be achieved through local action first. What can you do today, right now, to make a difference?
11—Environmental Stewardship. We want to be in a state of symbiosis with our planet. We focus on solutions that help us choose a path that can be sustained over time.
Our Partnership with the Tri
If you follow our brand at all, you know that we are focused on these goals and we have been working towards spotlighting and creating a community of incredible companies through our WeHeart list for as long as we have been around.
The Tri is dedicated to taking this sort of partnership to a new level and we’re thrilled to be a part of this mission. We will continue to spotlight incredible companies each month and we are focusing more than ever on keeping our products as sustainable as possible while taking extra care to make sure that every person that had a hand in our products, from the farm to your face, is treated with equal appreciation.
We want to spread the word about the Tri, and right now, for Fair Trade Month, they’re giving away a kit of partnership products worth $1000.
We Heart
We know we can’t change the world on our own, so we’re always searching for other people to join our tribe. This month we’re announcing that we joined the Tri tribe and we couldn’t be more excited.
Every month, we write about an inspiring company or a product we absolutely adore, and we’ll keep doing it because we want to share our conscious community with you.
Click Here to See What We’ve Loved So Far
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The Annmarie Tri affiliations make Anne Marie Skincare a preferred resource for future beauty needs. Those who sow kindness reap love. I have a beautiful miniature portrait of a rabbit tending her garden in Victorian garb quoting this maxim. The illustration melds perfectly with the motto. Blessings!
Sounds like a wonderful idea!
Thank U, namaste.