We all know the old Thanksgiving classics—the turkey, the mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, there's a sweet potato dish or maybe some sort of squash on the table… is your menu ready for the holiday?
So there's no confusion, we'll say it first: we love the classic Thanksgiving recipes from our grandmothers and aunties—the old recipe books and the online resources with shared family techniques. But we know that our audience is a unique group of food-artists and we wanted to probe a little to see if we could find ourselves a new classic to share with our family line.
We weren't disappointed. This cranberry dish from Deborah in Minnesota is the perfect spin on the classic cranberry sauce. It holds true to the sweetness of the old standard but adds a little zing and a little crunch. Check it out.
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Cranberry Relish
1-2 lb of cranberries
3/4 c honey for every cup of sugar suggested on the package
1/2 c water for each 3/4 c honey
zest and meat of one orange (compost the peel)
1 medium apple cut small
3/4-1 1/4 c chopped pecans
1-3 tsp, (depending on your palate) fresh chopped ginger or reconstituted dried ginger
Put all of this in a big pot, bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, continuing to stir.
Let it cool for 15-20 minutes before putting covered into the fridge
It tastes the best after a couple of days, so I usually make mine two days before the main meal and enjoy through the entire weekend.
Would you cut the orange up into small pieces for this recipe or leave it whole?
Hi Mary,
Great Question! It’s not specified in the recipe, but I would probably pull it apart by section and maybe cut each one in half 🙂
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