On Monday, we talked about all the incredible benefits of Rhassoul Clay – one of the main ingredients of my Purifying Mud Mask. Today, I want to show you how to use the Purifying Mud Mask, and also tell you some things about it you might not already know!
The Purifying Mud Mask is AWESOME. Seriously. It makes my skin feel so smooth and clear and detoxified. It's perfect if you feel like your skin needs some refreshing. Plus, it is so fun to put on! One of my favorite things people have ever said about the Purifying Mud Mask came from the lovely Kris Carr (pictured below):
“I love the purifying mud mask. It tightens and tones my skin. It also makes me look like a warrior princess and it’s a terrific way to frighten the UPS guy.”
Fun! Half the fun of beauty treatments is looking totally silly while doing it and loving it. Just ask me…
As I was saying… 🙂
One of the coolest things about the Purifying Mud Mask is that it comes in a powder form. This allows it to stay fresher longer, which we love! But, because it's in powder form, that mean you'll have to mix it up yourself to make the mask. This is super-easy! Besides, you can customize your mask to be as thin or thick as you'd like.
When I mix mine up, I like to use about half a tablespoon of mask powder. If you don't have a spoon and you're just eyeballing it, you want about a small palmfull.
Now here's the part that takes some patience. You want to slowly add water to the powder to form a paste. I like to use a spoon and drip the water in slowly.
Once you add your water, incorporate it into the powder to form a smooth paste. (FAIR WARNING, THOUGH: The paste can stain clothes and counters and towels. If you spill any, be sure to wipe it up. And using an old towel you don't care about is probably a good idea.)
Now that you've mixed it up, it's time to put it on! Slather it all over your face. I like to put it on my neck, too. There's no “best way” to put the mask on. Just have fun with it!
Once you've got it on, leave it on for about 15 minutes. If you can do this in a sauna or a hot bath, the steam will help with the penetration and it will work even better! But if that's not possible, I also like to spritz it with my Neroli Toning Mist as it dries.
When the mask is dry, it's time to rinse it off! I like to use an old towel again here to make sure I get all the mask off.
Once you're all rinsed off, bask in your gloriously smooth, soft skin!
Another thing I love doing after the Purifying Mud Mask is immediately following it up with the Coconut Honey Mask. That combination is a 1-2 punch of first detoxifying, then nourishing your skin. If you try that combo, you'll have some of the softest skin you'll have ever felt!
Now we'd like to see pictures of you wearing our Purifying Mud Mask! Send them to info [at] annmariegianni.com or post them on our Facebook page! The most memorable picture will win something special from Annmarie Skin Care!
Much Love,
Annmarie Gianni
“Teaching People About Beauty From the Inside Out”
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