Well here we are talking about the potential problems with synthetic preservatives again! Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC) is a water-based preservative which—get this—was used originally in the wood and paint industries. It’s now also used in some cosmetics and personal care products. However, even the cosmetic industry admits that this ingredient is toxic, and restrictions have been placed on its use.
Here’s why you may want to watch out for this one.
If you’re using products with this toxic preservative, you may find yourself scratching irritated skin.
What is Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate?
IPBC is a preservative that helps prevent mold, bacteria, and other germs from spreading in creams, lotions, and other products. It was used for years in paints, primers, and coolants, and only more recently in cosmetic products, as it is effective against a wide variety of microorganisms. You’re likely to find it in foundations, concealers, bronzers, self-tanners, eye shadows, mascaras, makeup removers, shampoos, conditioners, shaving creams, diaper creams, anti-itch and rash creams, bath soaks, body washes, hair dyes, lip balms, and moisturizers.
Is It Safe?
IPBC is a suspected gastrointestinal and liver toxin, and is thought to present risks to human reproduction and development, having been linked to the potential for reduced fertility and increased risk of pregnancy problems. It’s a suspected teratogen, which means that it may increase the risk of birth defects.
The Environmental Protection Agency notes that there is limited evidence of gastrointestinal and liver toxicity with IPBC, and Japan’s Standards for Cosmetics restrict its use in cosmetics. Even the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) has expressed concerns about toxicity with IPBC, and limits the use in cosmetics to concentrations less than or equal to 0.1%. They noted that at concentrations of 0.5% and above, it has the potential to irritate skin, and because of the dangers of inhaling the chemical, they recommend it not be used in products meant to be aerosolized.
The European Union goes even further to limit the use of the preservative in cosmetics at a maximum concentration of 0.02% in rinse-off products, and 0.01% in leave-on products, except in deodorant/antiperspirant products, where the limit is even lower—0.0075%.
Proven to Increase Risks of Contact Allergies
The other main problem with IPBC is that it can increase your risk for contact dermatitis—skin allergies. According to 2003 patch-test study, IPBC is one of the new allergens. In 2008, British doctors noted allergic dermatitis in cleansing wipes. In a 2002 study, researchers stated that, “As the use of this seemingly safe preservative becomes vast, an increased number of cases of IPBC-induced contact allergy is likely.”
As more consumers have become aware of the potential dangers in preservatives like parabens, companies are looking for alternatives. Rather than use natural preservatives that don’t present potential dangers, however, they’re turning to options like IPBC. As we find it in more and more products, we’re seeing more and more allergies.
Typical symptoms of an allergy to IPBC include redness, swelling, itching, and fluid-filled blisters. It’s important to be aware that the symptoms may not develop for several days after exposure to the ingredient. Patch tests can help you determine if you may suffer from an IPBC allergy.
Safer, More Nourishing Choices
To avoid this preservative, watch for the following on your products:
- Butyl-3-iodo-2-propynylcarbamate
- Carbamic acid
- Glycacil®
There are all sorts of natural alternatives to chemicals like these that don’t subject you to health risks. These include thyme, vitamin E, vitamin C, and even lavender and rosemary. Plus these ingredients provide skin benefits on their own, as well as preserving the formula, so why would you use anything else? And luckily, we have just what you want in our skin care lines – go ahead and explore.
Have you gotten rid of products with IPBC? Did you experience an allergy from it? Please share your story.
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Badreshia, S; Marks Jr, JG (2002). “Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate”. American journal of contact dermatitis 13 (2): 77–9. PMID 12022126.
Badreshia S, Marks JG Jr., “Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate,” Am J Contact Dermat. 2002 Jun;13(2):77-9., http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12022126.
“Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate,” English Articles, June 9, 2010, http://www.englisharticles.info/2010/06/09/iodopropynyl-butylcarbamate/.
I just got confirmation that I am allergic to this as well! Does anyone have a list or recommendations on products to use? As you guys know it’s in literally everything! I’m a college student, so I don’t have lots of money to be spending on makeup and such! HELP!
Thanks in advance!
I am also allergic to IPBC, I used wipes and creams on my face and broke out with large swollen blisters all around my eyes and neck and the itch was unbearable. I couldn’t go out of the house for a long time. After it started to heal, my skin got really dry, flaky and rough feeling and still itched. It’s amazing how many products have IPBC in it, I have to read the ingredients in everything I buy for my skin. Even if you have the list of things with IPBC in it, don’t just depend on that because I found other things with it that wasn’t on the list. The best thing to do is read the ingredients in everything you buy for you and your family skin…. I couldn’t believe how many baby products has it, I wouldn’t use this ingredient even if I wasn’t allergic because it’s very bad for other reasons also… Please research this chemical, you will be shocked…. Oh and one more thing, I didn’t break out right away, it started a few days later after using the products!
Had rash on eyelids & eyebrows, itchy red swollen eyes, since October 2018. Finally I got referral to skin clinic last week and after testing, heard that I was allergic to iodopropynyl butylcarbamate. Specialist gave me list of products that have this stuff in it and I could not believe all the products mentioned. Did some homework myself and found out that it is in Got2b hair glue for spiked hair, that I have used every day for yrs, until now. Even the Eucerin calming creme is on the list and I thought I was so smart to use that.
Was prescribed topical cream (no cortisone) and that is reducing the swelling of the eyelids and brows.
Good luck everyone.
Hi Anna, my daughter has just been diagnosed with this allergy too but I’m struggling to find a list of products which may contain it. Return appointment with the consultant in 2 weeks but we want to eliminate as many products ASAP in the meantime. Got2b & Eucerin are a good start as we have both of those, thank you! Could you share the list with us please?
Many thanks, Sarah
I have had a rash around my eyes for two years. Changed products to no avail. Finally got tested and I am allergic to this chemical. Can’t figure out how I am being exposed to it. Sure could use a list to get started. Does anyone have it?
As of November 25 2016 to this day I have been struggling with rash that has covered my face. On May 13th 2017 I found out I am allergic to iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, steramide dimethylamine/stearic acid/dea, cocamide betatine, dmdm hyadotin, beeswax, formaldehyde, Citric acid, nickel and cobalt. Was deathly allergic to clinque foundation makeup and all johnson baby products, all foaming products, I can go on and on
Its been a nightmare. I can barely even find anything or any doctor to help me. I am about to see a clinical specialist, because I just can’t do it anymore
But this article really gets into iodopropynyl butylcarbamate and it really sucks so many people have these allergies. I hope that people and companies will take those who have been affected in to consideration and stop putting these harsh chemicals into products, so some of us don’t have do this every day.
I had the same experience, a rash on my face for three months until I decided to get an allergy test . It revealed I was allergic to Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate so I checked my products and found that Aveeno ultra calming facial wipes contain this product.
Free and Clear is an excellent brand that my allergist recommended. I have this allergy as well as fragrance allergy, so talk about eliminating everything! You can buy products at Walgreens or on Amazon.
Funny thing was at Walgreens the free and clear brand has glaycil the iodopropynyl butylcarbamate crap in it.
I was diagnosed 1 year ago. The “good” product list that I received from my dermatologist was 209 pages. I have to go online and check it often. After a year-the Suave Conditioner I was using now has the product in it. The list is down to 190 pages. This product is used in so many things. I use Gain original and washed every piece of clothing I had.
Could you tell me where to get that list please?
Yes me to
I have a skin allergy to IPBC. For 12 years I was diagnosed with contact dermititis, dandruff, and athletes foot. Which all turned out to be caused by the IPBC allergy. It’s in EVERYTHING. Shoes, clothes, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, make up, laundry/dish soap. It’s even used in making the band for my fitness tracker! I’m so annoyed with this allergy.
Really in fitbit band? I sure would like a list of what does not contain this nasty chemical. I have been diagnosed with a allergic reaction to it. After 20 years of fighting the rash and sores on my hands the allergist found I am allergic.
This has cause more than a decade of problems for me. The skin on the tips of my first four fingers on both hands peels and peels to the point of bleeding. I could not do any housework (including folding laundry) without gloves, I hand two bandaids on each finger to hold various ointments on, I showered and washed my face wearing rubber gloves. I searched and bought new hand creams and I would use anything I can find–now I realize that most of them have IPBC! I found out after skin testing that I am allergic and as soon as I limited my products, it stopped. A recent flair up must be due to new make up or shampoo, it is hard to read those tiny labels!
Can anyone tell me the brand names of shaving creams/gels NOT containing
Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate?
please share what products have worked for you. Thank you. Wendy
thanks for the details which you have written ,so please can u tell me some shampoo, facewash,toothpaste which can i use sls,paraben,ipbc free .
I stay in india so plz tell me the some product made with natural ingredients which can i use .
And i have oily skin and my hair has dandruff scalp.
I came upon this discussion today because i have been diagnosed with this allergy. Any suggestions for safe products or resources we can access? Thanks! Debie
I was just diagnosed with this allergy today and I am feel a very daunting task ahead of me to find products that will be safe for me to use. I have had contact dermatitis symptoms for the past 18 years. I am so very glad to finally know what is causing my inflammations. How do I get my hands on a list of products to avoid or products to use? I need these asap. I would love some help figuring this out.
I was just diagnosed today, June 25, 2015!! I have suffered so much!! PLEASE if you get this list of products to avoid (I don’t care how long it is!) could you pass it on to me??
Looking at an ayurvedic face wash that I purchased in India and I stumbled across diazolidinyl urea and IPBC in the ingredient list.
I don’t get it. How does an ayurvedic skin care company put these toxic chemicals in their products? It goes completely against the philosophy of ayurveda and is shameful on the part of the company who is supposed to be promoting simple, straightforward ingredients…
I should have read the packaging before I bought. Live and learn I guess. Companies just want to fluff up products with perfumes and chemicals, and then sell them for outrageous prices. Where and who are the brands that care about the health of the consumer?
I just found out I have a bad Allergy to this and received a long list of ingredients safe to us,but is there a list anywhere of any of the high end cosmetic anti aging and makeup that has it in it so I know what to stay away from?
At this rate it is going to take every minute of my life to find what is safe to use? Very frustrated and would love any advice about how to attack this problem next? Thanks
I started breaking out two years ago first on my arm then to my legs and from there to my abdomen and then thighs. I went to doctors for over a year. PCP, Dermatologist and finally went to allergist and through a week long patch test found out that I was allergic to this chemical. My allergist provided me with a 182 page booklet that has products that have been tested and do not have this chemical in it. I was put on steroids by mouth and cream and antibiotics. I now take two zyrtec daily and use my list like my bible to stay away from this chemical. After five months of being very strict with what I come in contact with most of my rashes have cleared up except for one leg. I have scars over both my lower legs and my arms from this “rash from hell” which is the name I gave it. Beware, everything, I mean everything that is in our daily household items has this chemical in it. I am down to very exact and strict items that I can use. An example is some of the Tide brand clothes detergents have it and some very specific ones don’t. So it is not a brand issue, it is a product issue. I have had to make sure even my toothpast and my mouthwash is on my list, which is products without this chemical.
Pamela, I was just diagnosed with this today. I have a similar story regarding my legs and arms. Any guidance is appreciated.
Everything is toxic at some level. Even water. If you use too much of anything, natural OR synthetic, it will cause problems. This is why the cosmetic industry restricts the usage to a safe amount. It’s much safer to use products with a good preservative than products that don’t have one. You should also talk about the dangers of different microbes and fungi that naturally grow in products that haven’t been adequately preserved if this is about the safety of your readers.
There is no conspiracy to poison you. We put preservatives in products to keep you from getting sick. That being said, I myself am always trying to find the safest ingredients for my customers. If you want products that don’t have preservatives, make them at home, and remember that if it has water in it, it will probably only be safe to use for a few days to a few weeks at the most.
What a prick! Glad to see you don’t have this allergy.
Yes I did! I wanted to try ayurvedic products made with natural ingredients for my hair. Since I got natural curly hair I was searching for one. This Patanjali Milk Protein Shampoo gave me ithicng prob since the first wash! Pathetic! I felt dicey about the ingredients and soon searched online. Thank god for letting us know about IPBC [It is one of the main igredient in Patanjali products]
I developed a very severe allergy to this chemical a couple of years ago which has left permanent scarring on over half of my leg and arm areas. The doctors initially could not figure out what it was saying they had never seen anything like this before. Open bleeding sores that started off as one quarter size sore within a couple of weeks turned into quarter inch deep bleeding sores covering about a quarter of my body. Three biopsies reveled nothing and it wasn’t until patch testing that they found out what it was.
This chemical is also used in both prescription and over the counter drugs as well which is a real problem for some of us who are on regular prescription drugs that have no alternatives that don’t contain the chemical.
It’s also used in some water treatment plants to treat the water and used to sterilize hospital equipment and in food manufacturing plants to sterilize the machinery and counters etc, and it’s also used in manufacturing plastics.
I too have been trying to find out which products don’t contain this chemical but my pharmacist said it is listed under at least fifty different names so it’s very difficult to weed out what is safe and what isn’t.
Hi Disha, I was about to use Patanjali Milk Protein shampoo b4 i saw ur comment, nw i wnt use it. Also i wanted to ask, which shampoo do u use nw and is it IPBC and Sulphate free? bcz i also have the curly hair
Btw…my reaction is due to UV exposure…tested negative to patch testing but positve to photo sensitivity testing.
I was recently a manager at a window and door manufacturing company and had to resign due to this chemical which was in the wood preservative. Does anyone have a very detailed list of home products that have this ingredient?
Thank you for this article. I have been suffering with this for years. I finally was diagnosed to be very allergic to this. Now the question: What make-up, creams, etc. DON’T have it? I don’t want to walk around with no make-up, but what to use?? Thank you
I have this allergy as well and decided after spending 30 minutes look at ingredients on make-up, (which is darned near impossible sometimes) I spend most of my time looking for eyeshadows without it. I have learned to do just my eye makeup and just wash my face every morning and night with just a rag and water. Mascara, and eye shadow done just right is a lot better than none at all ????
Iodopropynyl-butylcarbamate is in the same baby cleanser used many times a day as tocopheryl acetate.
[…] even worse than Diazolidinyl Urea. It was originally used in paints, primers, and even coolants. (Annmariegianni) and is toxic to humans. In fact, it is even restricted in some countries due to its toxicity! […]
I have always had very sensitive skin. I had to read the labels of every sunscreen, wash, etc. I learned to live with my affliction. However, when my 19 month old son was getting rashes I did a bit more research and was amazed at how many poisons are FDA approved! DO NOT TRUST THAT!!
2 days after using a facewash creme , My sensitive skin became red, itchy, dry and flaky. Thinking it was something I ate, I began ellimenating things from my diet, without change.
I was shocked to learn that this facewash which was marked “for sensitive skin” contained this toxic chemical.
After stopping to use it, the symptoms dissapeared!!!
Makes one very skeptical !
Your article states that “The Environmental Protection Agency notes that there is limited evidence of gastrointestinal and liver toxicity with IPBC” Does this mean from topical use or when taken internally? or both?
Hi Rob, thanks for your question. In our world what we put on our skin is the same as what we put in our mouth, so no we would not use this either internally or topically :). You know we sail on the safe side when it comes to our health :).