Hemp oil or CBD oil – the difference between shiny hair and falling asleep at yoga. These two oils are similar in a lot of ways, but what they don’t have in common makes all the difference.
Hemp vs CBD Oil
Depending on what state you live in, you can buy CBD oil and CBD products at your local grocery store, but that doesn’t mean it’s as benign as other supplements on the shelves.
Both oils have major benefits for your overall wellness, but it is important to know the difference so you can be sure you’re using the right oil for to treat the right symptoms.
CBD: Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis Oil and 9 Benefits of the CBD Compound
What is CBD Oil?
CBD, or cannabidiol, oil is made from the stalk, flowers, and leaves of the hemp plant. These portions of the plant contain cannabidiol which is found only in CBD oil and not hemp oil. CBD can hold varying amounts of the chemical compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive element of marijuana.
However, most CBD products do not contain THC and are not considered psychoactive.
Benefits of CBD Oil
Scientifically speaking, CBD oil is great for reducing inflammation and pain. Not so scientifically speaking, CBD is said to give you a “body high.” While marijuana gives you a “head high,” or the psychoactivity we previously discussed, CBD gives you a light, somewhat fuzzy feeling throughout your body.
Our bodies have the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to help regulate sleep, appetite, pain, and immune function. Jilian Kubala MS, RD says “the body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system.”
Pain and inflammation
By reducing inflammation, CBD oil can reduce temporary pain from injuries or other causes. Studies also show CBD oil can help with chronic pain as well because of the way it inhibits endocannabinoid receptor activity and interacts with neurotransmitters.
Anxiety and Depression
A 2018 study conducted by Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research showed that 62 percent of CBD oil users cited the top reason being to reduce anxiety and help with depression. For the same reasons it eases chronic pain, CBD oil is a relaxant and can help calm anxiety.
Not only is it easier for users to sleep without pain and anxiety, but studies have also shown that CBD oil use can lessen and prevent insomnia while putting you into a deeper R.E.M. sleep. You wake up feeling more refreshed since your body recharges only in R.E.M. state.
What is Hemp Oil?
Hemp oil, often called hemp seed oil, is made from the seeds of the hemp plant and does not contain any cannabidiol.
Although it has some anti-inflammatory properties when taken internally, it is mostly good for its nutritional value rather than a pain reliever.
Here are the benefits of hemp oil that you can reference
Benefits of Hemp Oil
Since hemp oil is free of cannabidiol you don’t receive any “body” or “head high.”
Instead, taking hemp oil is more similar to taking any oil supplement like fish oil or omega-3 oil. You can easily incorporate it into your daily routine and diet for huge health benefits.
Strong and shiny hair
Hemp oil has a ridiculously high amount of fatty acids and vitamin E, B, B1 and B2. These all play a role in giving you a strong nails and hair, as well as giving your hair that bouncy hair shine straight out of a shampoo commercial.
Acne and Psoriasis
The fatty acids found in hemp oil are not only beneficial for hair and nail growth, but they also help you keep your skin healthy. The high amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 in hemp oil make it optimal for tissue creation which will help renew your skin from psoriasis when taken internally.
With internal usage, omega-3 also has heavy anti-inflammatory properties that help balance the redness and irritation from acne.
Lower Cholesterol
Hemp oil also contains potassium and magnesium which have been shown to help lower a body’s cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Ingredients to look for
After comparing the effects of both hemp oil and CBD oil to you should be able to decide which product you need to help you target your specific symptoms. CDB oil is a bit pricier than hemp oil, so oftentimes companies will mislead consumers by marketing their product as CBD oil to bump up the price.
Next time you go to the store or shop online look for these ingredients to make sure you are purchasing the correct oil.
CBD oil will be listed as cannabidiol, full-spectrum hemp, PCR (phytocannabinoid rich) or PCR hemp extracts. Whereas, hemp seed oil will be listed as cannabis sativa seed oil.
Which is right for you?
It can be confusing, but we’re here to help. Now you know what exactly both of these oils are, what they’re good for and which is right for you—with the added bonus of helping you sift through false advertising and finding the perfect oil for you.
Hi. Thank you for the great article explaining the difference and putting my fears to rest about there being THC in the CBD and hemp oil! Are there any brands out there that you would recommend that are of higher quality/standard, that can be purchased online for both CBD and hemp oil?
Thank you again!