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“New Year, New Me” is an adage so overused and tired, it almost doesn’t mean anything anymore.
We’ve heard it repeated to sell us questionable diet plans and expensive gym packages so many times that we’ve learned to tune it out as a sheer means of survival during the month of January.
But that doesn’t have to mean the sentiment isn’t any good. In fact, setting specific, actionable goals is an incredibly positive thing, and having a clear time frame is an even better way to stick to those goals.
Not to mention, timing these goals with the start of a new year can be a great way to start your year on the right foot, full of positive energy and an open mind.
We invite you to take on challenge with us…
This year, we wanted to create a challenge for our audience to participate in. One with a constructive goal (that we think many of you are interested in!), simple action items, and a reasonable timeline.
Meet #GreenUp2019.
The Challenge
#GreenUp2019 is a month long challenge that will focus on “green-ing” up your life: swapping out those household products lingering about that have toxic chemicals, finding more sustainable options, and sharing tips and tricks to make your life a little more eco friendly.
Each week, we’ll educate our readers on a different category of products found in your home. We’ll tell you what toxic chemicals you want to avoid, give some suggestions of clean products to use instead, and share inexpensive DIY methods.
Where can I get updates?
We’ll keep you informed about #GreenUp2019 through our email, blog, and Instagram. Every week we’ll release a new blog post, detailing the what the green swaps are for the week. We’ll send it out in an email as well, and our Instagram will be highly interactive (more on that in a second, though!)
We’re starting on January 8th, so take this week to recover from your NYE antics, get your friends on board, and get ready to green up your new year!
How long will it last?
We’ll share four different categories over the course of January. One month, four areas of your life.
It’s an easily attainable challenge with the potential to change how the rest of your year looks. By February, you’ll feel like you’ve already made a huge, positive change in your life.
The Swaps
We’ll show you what toxic, synthetic, or not-so-sustainable items are lurking in your shelves over four different categories: household cleaners, laundry, beauty products, and body care (including both food and self care type items).
We’ll share our green product recommendations, but don’t worry—this doesn’t have to hurt your wallet. We’ll also be sharing simple DIY’s and other alternatives that you might already have at home.
The prizes?
Yes, the prizes! If you follow along with us on Instagram, we’ll be hosting weekly giveaways. To enter, simply post a photo of how you’ve participated that week, whether it’s making a DIY cleaning concoction or tossing out all your synthetically fragranced laundry detergent, using the hashtag #GreenUp2019.
Additionally, at the end of January, we’ll have a grand prize for anyone who’s participated over all four weeks.
Are you in?
If you’ve been thinking about making the switch to greener, cleaner products, the time is now! #GreenUp2019 starts next week…we’ll see you then!
Are you joining us for #GreenUp2019? What are you looking to ‘green up’ in your life? Opening the comments up for discussion.
I already use some essential oil DIY cleaners and am looking to add additional cleaning products, bathroom products, and soaps too! Looking forward to greening up some more!
I am very much looking forward to this: its become one of the main focuses of my life & I can’t wait to learn something new in hopes of living a greener life for the well being of all. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Yes, yes and yes! Looking to use more essential oils in my cleaning around the house and on my body. Would also like to help my mom with this.
This is exactly what I’ve been thinking about & needing. I’m looking forward to being more green.
I have been greening up for many years, but I AM IN to learn and grow greener still. So far I use white vinegar and baking soda to clean the whole bathroom; unscented green laundry and dish soap, plain olive oil soap in the shower, recycle all packaging and compost all food waste.Our daughter lives in the large city of Lima Peru, and her philosophy is ” If I want to change the world I need to start by
picking up my own dog’s poop!”
I am always looking for new ideas on how to be green. What a great way to start the year.
I would like to switch out/green up my kitchen and bath of all chemicals.
I’m always trying to green up my life so I’m looking forward to some new tips. I’m positive your suggestions will be of the same high quality as your skin care products.
I’m looking forward to gettting the nudge to keep moving forward in getting healthier in our home environment!
Yes I’m joining and excited to start greening up my home & life more <3
I love this idea! I definitely have some green ideas that I have been wanting to try!
Already do a lot of things green but could be better. Laundry needs greening up plus…..need to find a solution to the hand sanitizer my husband’s care givers use. It is not good for him and it blocks up my head