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- Who do you feel you are today? What event has defined your life?
- What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
- If money was no object, what would you be doing (would it be exactly what you are already doing)?
- What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
- Where and when do you feel most at peace?
- What makes you feel beautiful?
- What are your words of wisdom to other beauties out there?
Beautiful Voices is our ongoing blog series that highlights inspiring, empowering women. Our most recent Beautiful Voice is Jenna Trunzo. See what she says when Annmarie asks her some questions about her own personal beauty.

I’m a third-generation Italian-American that values honesty and humor. I gave up meat at age 13 despite my parents’ attempt at bribing me with a car if I just ate beef like any good Italian girl. Acting on my desire for a healthy lifestyle and to own my own small business, I opened Esscentsory House, LLC, an online shop where I sell essential oil blends, elixirs, bath products and aromatherapy. Today I focus on my family first, then my full-time marketing job and my part-time oil shop, and occasionally remembering to dress myself in something other than jeans!
Who do you feel you are today? What event has defined your life?
I ask myself these questions daily. I believe that if I ever stop asking myself this or if I ever feel that I completely know myself, then I’ve stopped growing. It’s a responsibility to myself to assess who I am every day and build on the answer.
As important as it is to change and grow, it’s equally as important to have a few constants to serve as your foundation. My constants include having a sense of humor, being relatable to others, and giving myself as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, and friend.
What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
I have anxiety, and it was getting in the way of being who I am and who I wanted to be, especially as a mother. I didn’t like seeing myself act the way I was acting and I didn’t like the way my family and friends started responding to my behavior.
I began seeing a holistic doctor, reading, researching, changing my attitude and daily habits and finding ways to support myself without needing to rely on others. I am a natural worrier; it’s just part of who I am. I’m okay with that, but I need to be in control of it and not the other way around. Today, I feel healthy and happy and in control of my anxiety.
If money was no object, what would you be doing (would it be exactly what you are already doing)?
Live small so I could live it all. In other words, I don’t need or want a mansion or five luxury cars. What I really need and want is to experience life and the opportunities that I don’t ever have the time or means to experience.
I want to wake up on a Monday and decide to volunteer at a senior center. I want to finish my lunch on Wednesday, get in the car and audit a class that I have no intention of pursuing a degree in. I want to try every type of exercise trend so I can find one that will stick!
Mostly, I want the ability to pack up my family with little planning and teach my daughter life lessons in whatever culture has a flight with room for us. If money were no object, I would fill any and all of my internal holes with things that enrich me as a person but keep me firmly grounded in my values.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
My dad told me something when I was a teenager leaning on him for support while I was going through a breakup with my boyfriend. It applied as a heartbroken adolescent and it applies in every type of relationship I’ve entered as an adult.
He said that no relationship will ever be 50/50, like we are so often told to strive for. Someone will always give more. Sometimes it will be you and sometimes it will be them. It all balances out in the end, as long as you aren’t always the one giving 75 and only getting 25 in return.
I think of that piece of advice in my marriage (to the same guy that broke my heart in high school). I think of it with my friendships. I even consider those words of wisdom when it comes to my work relationships. It reminds me that it’s okay to give and it’s okay to take and balance doesn’t necessarily mean equal all the time.
Where and when do you feel most at peace?
I’m Type A and then some. Finding and feeling a sense of peace is very, very difficult for me. It’s hard for me to settle my thoughts enough to be present, calm, peaceful.
That being said, there are times when I get in my car and am suddenly thankful that I have a bit of a drive ahead. Just being behind the wheel where my only job is to focus on driving—something about that is peaceful to me. My mind slows long enough to process whatever’s been on it.
Sometimes I turn on the radio to add a little soundtrack to my thoughts. Sometimes I just let it be quiet. The key to that cruisin’ peace of mind is being alone.
What makes you feel beautiful?
That’s a tough one. I won’t lie; I don’t always feel like I’m a very beautiful woman on the outside. It’s a common problem that women wrestle with and that is just an unfortunate reality. So for me, answering that question honestly is to give credit to the people I am lucky enough to have regular interactions with.
Seeing my behavior reflected back to me in a positive manner makes me feel beautiful. Watching someone laugh because of something I’ve said gives me a little glimpse of my own beauty. When I give my time to help in any way I can and then see genuine appreciation returned, that makes me feel beautiful.
Because ultimately, we all feel our most beautiful when we are demonstrating and being recognized for the things that make us confident about who we are inside.
What are your words of wisdom to other beauties out there?
You are valid. You’re feelings and thoughts and behaviors are all valid. Nothing and no one can invalidate you if you are honest and good.
Isn’t she beautiful?
Much Love,
Annmarie Gianni
“Teaching People About Beauty From the Inside Out”
(If you’re interested in being featured as one of our Beautiful Voices, please email us at info [at]
I am Jenna’s aunt and have always been so proud of her! Jenna is and always has been the true meaning of beauty because she is beautiful inside and out! The words she speaks come straight from her heart! She is an amazing woman..wife, mother,daughter, niece and friend!
I have always been proud of my daughter, Jenna. She has a beautiful soul and a caring spirit. I am grateful everyday that I am her mother.
Thank you for recognizing the true beauty of my daughter, Jenna. Of course, I’m biased but this young lady lives the words she speaks. I taught high school for 32 years and I can say in all honesty that I have seldom found a person as genuinely kind and as sincerely concerned about the welfare of others. Jenna is just a good person, with her feet planted firmly in reality. If anything, her answers don’t do her justice; she is humble and also very intelligent. And I hear she has great parents! Lol