Our Clean Beauty Ambassadors partner with Annmarie Skin Care to represent our company and products with honesty and integrity, increasing brand awareness, visibility, and customer base. They are devoted to our mission of sharing skin care that uses organic and wildcrafted ingredients with the world and practicing our core values.
Annmarie Skin Care is reshaping the story of the traditional beauty industry, one wildcrafted elixir at a time—harnessed with intention and rooted in sustainability. We care about where our ingredients are sourced, and say no to chemicals, preservatives and fillers. Our promise? Clean, superskin care made with natural ingredients that works better than any other option available.
The relationship between our company and our Clean Beauty Ambassadors is mindful and authentic. We partner with health and conscious-minded individuals who embody our values and align with our mission. They work with us to create promotional content with the purpose of educating the public on the importance and effectiveness of clean beauty.
Featured Ambassador
Johanna Braddy is an American actress who has starred in various roles for films, television, and web. She has cultivated a genuine and approachable self-image that embraces ethical, wellness-oriented companies. To her, Annmarie Skin Care represents a brand that inspires women to embrace and enhance the aging process—a message she champions wholeheartedly.
We took a few minutes to interview Johanna Braddy for our Radiance + Ritual blog column.
To read more about what she has to say, click here.
Meet Our Ambassadors
Alex Jamieson
Bree Astringer – The Better Rocker
Carol Tuttle
Cassie Bjork, RD
Chris Kresser
Chris Wark
Christa Orecchio – The Whole Journey
Claire Zammit – Evolving Wisdom
Cynthia Pasquella
Danette May
Dr. Anna Cabeca
Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. Steve Sisskind
Dr. Jill Carnahan
Dr. Kellyann Petrucci
Dr. Peter Osborne
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Emily Fletcher – Ziva Mind
Eric Zielinski
Izabella Wentz
James & Laurentine Colquhoun – Food Matters
Jen Wittman – Mindful Mavericks
Jessica Beacom & Stacie Hassing – The Real Food RDS
JJ Virgin & Associates, Inc.
Kate Murphy – Living Pretty Naturally
Katie Wells – Wellness Mama
Kris Carr
Leanne Ely
Magdalena Wszelaki – Hormones Balance
Marzia Snyder, MD
Mark Hyman
Michelle Pfennighaus
Nick Ortner – Tapping Solution
Nick Polizzi
Nicola Pineault
Ocean Robbins
Pedram Shojai – Well.org
Robyn Openshaw
Sara Gottfried
Sophie Uliano
Susan Peirce Thompson -Brightline Eating Solutions
Tiffany Pelkey – The Coconut Mama
Wendy Myers
Yuri Elkaim