I’ve always found it rather surprising how few women take the time to investigate the skin care products they use and the long-term effects they can have on their health. American women spend an average of $12,000 annually on beauty products, beauty treatments, and beauty supplements, and use an average of 10 different products on their skin daily- often times without knowing if there are any potentially dangerous ingredients lurking within. It seems a little silly that we'd be willing to use products that include ingredients we aren't familiar with, as though we've forgotten the very reason we use most of these products- the search for healthy skin! I'd like to teach you just a little bit about the science of our skin, so that I can enable you to make the healthiest choices possible when it comes to your skin care.
The Basics of Skin Science
Did you know that skin is your body’s largest organ? The average adult has approximately 20 square feet of skin which ranges in depth from .5 millimeters on the eyelids to 4.0 millimeters on the soles of the feet. Divided into two layers, our inner layer of skin is known as the dermis and is home to blood vessels and hair follicles, as well as sweat and oil glands. Our dermis is also where you’ll find touch, pressure and pain sensors.
The epidermis (the outer layer) is responsible for the creation of new skin cells — the deepest layers of epidermis constantly divide, creating new skin cells, pushing older ones toward the surface where they eventually die. This process of regeneration results in an entirely new covering of skin every 30 days (on average). Your dead skin cells harden and become filled with the protein Keratin, which is exceptionally tough and resilient, and enables our outermost layers of skin to protect the deeper layers from damage, including infections.
Healthy Skin, Naturally!
Our skin absorbs about 60 percent of what it comes in contact with (whether it be plant, water, or chemically based); add to that the fact that most skin care and beauty products contain harmful toxic chemicals which aren’t intended to benefit your skin, but extend the shelf life of the product, and it’s no wonder that we aren’t seeing the results we desire. You can improve the condition of your skin by carefully examining the products you use, and when possible, replace them and with natural solutions, like my Aloe-Herb Cleanser or Ayurvedic Facial Scrub. You’ll be surprised the difference in how you look and feel when you include a healthy diet, herbal supplements, and organic products in your daily routine.
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