We all talk about living a toxic free life with skin care, right? But are we living it just as clean with our cleaning products? You probably already know that these can be some of the most harmful products to your health on the market—and in your home.
According to the Organic Consumers Association the chemicals in cleaners like foam, bleach, and disinfects that make our dishes, bathtubs and counter-tops gleaming and germ-free may contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. Yikes.
The type of harm cleaning ingredients may cause varies. Some cause acute, or immediate, hazards such as skin or respiratory irritation, watery eyes, or chemical burns, while others are associated with chronic, or long-term, effects such as cancer.
Additionally, the Organic Consumer Association says some chemicals contain ingredients that can mess with your hormones (and possibly your mood!)
Chemicals that are so-called “hormone disruptors” can interfere with the body's natural chemical messages, either by blocking or mimicking the actions of hormones. Possible health effects include decreased sperm counts, increased rates of male birth defects such as cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) and hypospadias (where the urethra is on the underside of the penis), and increased rates of some kinds of cancers. The alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs) used in some detergents and cleaners have been shown to mimic the hormone estrogen; one APE, p-nonylphenol, has caused estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells to multiply in a test tube study.”
To help you live less toxic, we have collected some of our favorite cleaning solution recipes here. Totally natural, totally non-toxic.
Make clean living a priority by choosing toxic free products or you can even make your own!
Thrive Market
We'll admit that we're a little bias, because we have such an awesome relationship with Thrive Market (and a total business to business crush) but we were ecstatic when we heard that they were releasing an all natural line of household cleaning products. They're a phenomenal company, upholding the organic, non-gmo, standard across the board from the food items they offer to the cleansers they create themselves. Here's a video they made just to talk about their line of nontoxic household products.
If you're feeling a little bit more thrifty or you're a natural DIYer, there are a lot of ways you can make your own household cleaning products. Here are six super easy cleansers that will keep your home clean and your family safe.
DIY Cleaning Solutions
Bathtub Cleaning Scrub
- 1 cup baking soda
- 10-15 drops of essential oils — we love eucalyptus and lavender
- A bit of castille soap
- Mix ingredients together, adding enough castille soap to form a paste.
- Before using scrub, put some food grade hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle to spray on area first, then use paste mixture to scrub the area clean.
Kitchen Sink Lemon Freshener
- Water
- Lemon essential oil
- Fill spray bottle up with water and add a few drops of essential oil.
- Spray in your sink to keep it smelling fresh.
All Purpose Spray Cleaner
- 1/2 tsp of washing soda
- 2 tbsp of distilled white vinegar
- 1/4 tsp liquid soap
- 2 cups of hot water with a spray bottle.
- Combine ingredients and store in a spray bottle.
- Use to clean kitchen and bathroom counters, sinks, and other such surfaces.
Note: Use gloves when working with washing soda.
Shower and Mirror Cleaner
- ½ cup of vinegar
- ¼ cup baking soda (or 2 teaspoon borax)
- ½ gallon (2 liters) water.
- Mix all ingredients together and store in a spray bottle.
- Use to remove water stains from shower glass and mirrors.
Dishwater Soap
Mix equal parts of borax and washing soda — but if your water is hard, increase the amount of washing soda.
Floor Cleaner
- Vinegar
- Water
- Optional: a few drops of essential oils
- Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a bucket or large container.
- Optionally, add a couple drops of a cleansing essential oil, like lemon or eucalyptus.
- Use to mop floors.
I have always heard that when using lemon essential oil in diy products that you should use a glass container to store it in because it will leach through the plastic.
All these recipes are lovely- it goes to show the girls are all on the band wagon–
Women unite!!!!
Does anyone have a recipe for cleaning fruit & veggies?
Do you have a recipe for an oven cleaner? I just started cleaning apartments and I’m very concerned about the toxicity of the store-bought spray cans. I’ve been wearing a mask, but still don’t feel safe from the fumes.
I usually use distilled water in a spray bottle and a microfiber cloth, for glass and general cleaning. It’s all you really need.
Lisa, you can find Arm and Hammer washing soda in the grocery stores laundry detergent aisle or at Amazon.com it is different than baking soda 😉
Why do the AVERAGE kitchen and bathroom do not need an anti-bacterial cleaner?
Yes…..what is “washing soda”?
I think it’s baking soda baked in the oven to change the formulation to washing soda. I bought mine at Walmart, along with Borax when I made my laundry detergent. If you need castile soap I have found Trader Joes to have the best price around at $9.99 for a 32 oz. Bottle. Have fun
You can find it in most supermarkets or Walmart sells it online. It’s called Super Washing Soda made by Arm & Hammer. Similar to baking soda but I think stronger. Hope that helps 🙂
Washing soda is Sodium carbonate. Arm & Hammer sells “super washing soda” ( Ace Hardware carries it; I’m sure you can get elsewhere). It’s a great household cleaner.
Lisa, I didn’t know what washing soda was either, and found this interesting link:
I hope this isn’t inappropriate, but I’ve been interested in chemical-free cleaning for many years, and I sell a microfiber product that has micro silver woven through it; it cleans and disinfects using only water, and it really works! I clean everything from windows to stovetops to leather furniture to floors with it. If it’s okay with the editor to post this – the company is called Norwex, and readers can email me at hschepis@gmail.com if they want more information. (Annmarie Gianni Skin Care users can tell me they heard about Norwex on this site and get a 10% discount on any order!).
I love this Lemon Scrub:
Lemon Soft Scrub
1/4 cup borax
1 cup baking soda
1 Tbsp. Dr. Bronners liquid castile soap
10 drops doTerra Lemon essential oil or peppermint essential oil
warm/hot water
Directions: In a jar (I use an old glass peanut butter jar) add borax, baking soda, and castile soap. Stir in a little water at a time until a thick but pourable consistency. Stir in lemon or peppermint essential oil. Use in bathroom or kitchen.
Many thanks for all these. I appreciate that not all homes require antibacterial cleaners and surmise that you mean bleach. I’ve long been using baking soda with vinegar to clean the toilet as well as drains, and baking soda is wonderful for scrubbing — also a good pot scrubber ’cause it doesn’t scratch. Vinegar added to the ‘bleach’ time on your washer disinfects, and I guess I go to overkill ’cause I add it at the end too with the (omg!) fabric softener (minute amount to dilute any residue of soap since we are on a septic system). Baking soda is a great deodorizer in an open container in the frig. When do you think bleach is needed?
Thanks for your tips AnnMarie
Similar to your All Purpose cleaner but I use it in the toilet bowl – I use baking soda and vinegar to clean my toilet bowl. Add the baking soda, then the vinegar. It effervesces, then use scrub brush to clean and then flush.
Or you can make your own 🙂
Arm & Hammer has some
Great list… but what is ‘washing soda’ (as is noted for Dishwater Soap) ?
Would the recipe for the dishwater soap (I assume this is kitchen sink soap?) work in the dishwasher too?
Does dishwater soap mean for the dishwasher?
A spray bottle each of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, one sprayed after the other (in no order) kills more bad pathogens than any other disinfectant, according to university. research. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2001/07/21/vinegar.aspx
.Also grapefruit seed extract (GSE) can be used to disinfect much on surfaces and in and on the human body and is totally non-toxic.
These are great; I have used all of them before. I needed some inspiration to mix up some more cleaner, so thank you. Just remember to never use vinegar on granite countertops!!